Friday, December 14, 2007

Jimmy's hiding place for toys

Jimmy has discovered a new hiding place for all of his toys. Aunt Deb and Uncle Chris bought him a Winnie the Pooh ride on car for Christmas, and he's having a ball with it. We recently weren't able to find Bunny, which in our house is a catastrophe. Jimmy won't sleep without him. We searched high and low, but Bunny was nowhere to be found. After many minutes of searching, Bunny was finally located in the trunk of the Pooh car, safely tucked away for protection.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jimmy attempts five-finger discount
Mom barely avoids jail

What started out as a simple trip to Waldbaums this morning almost ended up in a trip to jail for Mom!! While waiting in the checkout line, Jimmy discretely slipped a bag of pretzels into his stroller. As they were walking out the door, Jimmy pulled out the bag, and began showing off his new prize. Mom looked down horrified, and scanned the area for store security. She quickly turned around and returned the pretzels to the cashier, avoiding a trip to the 5th Precinct.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A trip to the doctor

We went for our 12-month visit today. Everything went well, and everyone was healthy and happy... at least until the shots that is. That's when happy went out the window.

Jimmy weighed in at 22 lbs. 13 oz. and was 31 inches tall, putting him in the 90th percentile for his height.

Abby was 21 lbs. 12 oz., and was 28.5 inches.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Jimmy & Abby

The big day is finally here! Happy 1st Birthday to Jimmy and Abby! It's hard to believe that it's already a year. Jimmy and Abby have a big party planned, with a surprise appearance by their little red friend. We'll have some pictures displayed later.

Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Jimmy's Turn!

It's Jimmy's turn now... after being teased and tortured by his sister for several days, he finally took his first steps, and is walking on his own. Now that they're both walking, it's time for the real races (and corresponding fights I'm assuming) to begin!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Congratulations to Uncle Mike and Aunt Vanessa

Jimmy and Abby want to wish Uncle Mike and Aunt Vanessa congratulations on their wedding day today. Jimmy will be attending in the customary tux, while Abby will be wearing a black and white gown.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Abby is walking

Abby is walking!! She did it. Abby is able to walk on her own now, completely unassisted. She's a little wobbly, but she gets where she's going. Abby quickly put her new found talents to use... she now steals Jimmy's toys, and quickly toddles away before Jimmy can catch her.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

WANTED: The Great Bottle Thief

How did a fun loving baby turn to a life of crime? Here's the story. Jimmy and Abby are peacefully enjoying their bottles one afternoon. All of a sudden, Abigail cries out, a scream like you've never heard before. We rush over to investigate, and see Jimmy still sucking away, and a bottle on the floor next to him. Thinking that Abby simply dropped hers, we pick it up and give it to her. She refuses to drink, and tosses it to the floor. We pick it up again, and once more to the floor it goes. Mom takes off the top to check the bottle, takes a sniff, and to her surprise, it smells like Good Start, Jimmy's poison of choice. We take the bottle that Jimmy is drinking, remove the top, and discover it's Alimentum! Jimmy dropped his, and when he couldn't reach it, conveniently reached over, stole his sister's, and continued drinking without batting an eye.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Abby's sock fascination

Come by the apartment any time of the day, and you're likely to see several socks scattered randomly about the play area. Strays? Pulled off by fussy babies? Nope. Each and everyone one has been methodically pulled from the laundry and carried away by Abigail. Every time mom does some laundry, she puts it on the couch to fold it. But, before any folding actually takes place, Abigail makes it her personal mission to make her way over to the pile of laundry and start pulling it apart. Big pieces like shirts and pants immediately get tossed to the floor. Socks are like gold though. Whenever a sock is found she'll grab it and crawl away with it, stashing it until an opportunity to play comes along later. She'll then head back to the pile and start all over again.

Later during the day, if you call Abigail over to you, there's a very good chance that when she comes crawling, she'll have a sock in hand, sometimes two.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Abby takes a step

Abby got in the walking game today. She took her first step, going from the couch to Mom, who was sitting on the floor rooting her on!

More hidden binkies

Abigail's binky hoarding continued today, with two more binkies found in her pajamas!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abigail has a new trick up her sleeve down her leg

Abigail has a new trick up her sleeve, or rather should I say down her leg??? She had 3 binkies go missing this morning while she was playing, and we couldn't find them in any of her usual hiding places. We looked high and low, but to no avail, the binkies were not to be found...

Until... it came time to stop playing and get dressed. As mom pulled off Abby's pajamas, she felt something in the leg by her foot. A little more investigation revealed not one, not two, but all three binkies down the leg of her pajamas. I'm not quite sure how she did it, but she still managed to play, crawl and walk with the binkies hidden.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Abigail evens the score once again

Abigail popped out one of her front teeth this morning. She's now tied with Jimmy again at 3 each.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy 11 Month Birthday

Happy 11 Month Birthday to Jimmy and Abby. Only one more month until the big day!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another tooth for Jimmy

Jimmy pushed out his third tooth today, finally getting one up top. He now takes the lead from Abigail, 3-2, and it couldn't come soon enough. He's been extremely cranky the past few days, and has also thrown in a few sleepless nights (for both him and mom) just to keep things interesting.

Happy Halloween!

Jimmy and Abby wish everyone a Happy Halloween. For their first Halloween, Jimmy and Abby paid tribute to one of the greatest movies of all time, Star Wars. Jimmy was Darth Vader, and Abby was Princess Leia.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How To Clinic # 2
Destroy Your Play Area

Jimmy & Abby's second lesson this week demonstrates the proper way to completely trash your neat and organized play area. Below you'll find some before and after pictures.

WARNING: Sensitive viewers (and neat freaks) may find some of the following images disturbing.



Sunday, October 28, 2007

How To Clinic #1
Adventures in Babysitting

Jimmy and Abby ran a babysitting clinic today for Katie and Meghan. This on-the-job training featured the finer points of playing, eating, screaming, diapers and getting into trouble. They were a little worn out by the end of the day, but Jimmy and Abby said that both Kate and Meg handled it like troopers, and show great potential!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Having a Bad Hair Day

It must be the humidity today, but Abigail is having a bad hair day to end all bad hair days.

(Click photo to enlarge)

Happy Birthday Howard

Jimmy and Abby wish Howard a very Happy 5th Birthday!

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Monday, October 22, 2007

That's One Small Step for Baby...

... One Giant Leap for Jimmy!

Yes, that's right - Jimmy took his first step today. It was only one, he didn't get very far, and he couldn't do it again, but - it was progress. It's only a matter of time now until he's running around the apartment..

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mystery Solved
Abigail's Snack Hiding Spot Located

As reported on this very page on October 13, Abigail gave us a scare when we found her eating "something." It turned out to be Cheerios and Puffs that she just seemed to be pulling out of thin air. Security cameras have triumped over Abby once again, as her secret snack storage spot has been located. The photo speaks for itself.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Who needs hands when a mouth will do?

Jimmy has come up with an innovative way to carry Bunny, so that he can both crawl at top speed and still bring along his best friend. For Bunny's sake, I hope it doesn't hurt too much!

A Visit to the Doctor

We took a trip to the doctor today for our latest well visit. Jimmy weighted in at 21 lbs, 13 oz., and 29 inches. Abby was 20 lbs, 10 oz., and 28 inches.

Unfortunately, they both received their annual flu shots as well. Needless to say, neither of them was very happy, and the shots were quickly followed by a lot of screaming.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The best things in life...

The two things that make Jimmy the happiest: a Bottle and Bunny Rabbit...

... meanwhile, Abby's not as demanding. A bottle will do just fine!

Hide and Seek

Jimmy and Abby have discovered the joys of hiding from Mom and Dad. If it's a spot out of sight, it's for them. They both start laughing hysterically when they think that no one can see them.

Under a swing

In Abby's "clubhouse"

Behind the couch

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

C'mere kid, lemme show you how it's done

Jimmy advises Abby on the finer points of the Jumparoo

Monday, October 15, 2007

Abigail Confesses!
Major Break In The Binky Bandit Case

In a stunning turn of events today, Abigail confessed to being the mastermind behind the Binky heists. Court room observers believe that she did so to take some the heat off of Jimmy and Bunny. After her confession, Abigail was sentenced to 5 seconds behind bars, and had to pay a fine of 10 Cheerios, which she gladly offered up from one of her cheeks! As she was leaving the court house, she was overheard saying "if they think that this is the end of this, they've got another thing coming! They still haven't found the real binky stash yet."

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Abigail is putting her cheeks to work

I thought that Abigail's cheeks had gotten a little bigger the past few days, and this only proves my point. She seems to be gearing up for the winter, and has begun storing food in her cheeks. On two separate occasions today, we found her chewing on "something." Not having any idea what it was, we of course panicked, and pulled it out of her mouth. Both times it turned out to be a Cheerio. We still haven't figured out where she was hiding them, or where she got them.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jimmy's getting brave

Jimmy is a little closer to walking today. He can now let go of whatever he may be holding on to, and can stand on his own for several seconds before falling down. I think we may be in the home stretch now, and it's only a matter of time before he really starts his exploring.

Mom really does exist!
Officially recognized by Abigail

Well, it took a while, but we finally have official recognition of mom. To mom's relief, Abigail can now say ma-ma, and does so on a semi-regular basis. We're still waiting on confirmation from Jimmy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Abby's Clubhouse

Abby playing in her "clubhouse"


A quick glimpse of Jimmy in action in the Jumparoo!

Monday, October 1, 2007

10 Months Old!

Happy 10 Month Birthday to Jimmy and Abby. It's hard to believe that the big "1" is so close already.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Give them a round of applause

After a lot of help and encouragement, Abby and Jimmy can now both clap their hands on demand...
... sometimes
... if they're in the mood
... and they're not hungry
... and they're not watching the Wiggles!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Additional evidence seized!
Case of the Binky Bandits widens!

A second raid was conducted today in an attempt to gather additional evidence. As you can plainly see, Jimmy isn't as innocent as he claims, as authorities found an additional six binkies behind his crib.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A trip to the Zoo

Jimmy, Abby and Mom took a trip to the Holtsville Ecology Site today to visit with the animals. Abby and Mom got to see everything twice, since Jimmy slept the first trip through.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jimmy and Abby protest "illegal" search
"Binky Bandits" claim innocence!

In protest of what they are calling an illegal search and seizure, Jimmy and Abby staged a "stand-in" tonight, both refusing to go to sleep, and standing up and yelling every time Mom tried to lay them down. Neither had any comments, and referred all questions to their attorneys, Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen. Mike and Jen released a joint written statement in which they state the search of the crib was a "blatant violation of our clients' Fourth Amendment rights," and that all binkies involved were "lawfully obtained."

Abby a suspect in binky embezzlement!
Jimmy and Bunny named as a possible accomplices.

Acting on an anonymous tip, authorities tonight executed a search warrant in Abigail and Jimmy's bedroom, having probable cause to believe that Abby was embezzling binkies, and then stashing them under her crib. No charges have been filed yet, but we'll keep you informed of any changes in this developing story.

At a press conference following the raid, law enforcement officials had on display the evidence seized: seven binkies that have gone missing over the past week. All were found under her crib in the back right corner. An unnamed source has also informed us that due to the fact that a number of the binkies are boy colors, Jimmy and Bunny will also likely be named as accomplices.

New Shoes!

Jimmy and Abby took a trip to Stride Rite today and got their first walking shoes. They both decided against going with the traditional leather shoe, and instead they both picked shoes that look like sneakers. Jimmy went with white with blue stripes, and Abby picked white with pink flowers.

Now, the only question that remains is how long will it take Abby to figure out how to take them off?

Look who's feeling better already!

What a difference a day makes. After being out of it all day yesterday, Abby woke up today feeling much better. She woke up and was her usual laughing and singing self. As you can see by the picture, after finishing her bottle (and throwing it on the floor as usual just to make sure we know she's done), she decided to kick back, throw her feet up and relax.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Abby is sick :(

Abby had a rough night last night, waking up almost every hour. When she was finally up for good, she was very pale, very quiet, didn't want to play, didn't want to eat, and was running a fever. We took a trip to the doctor and discovered that she had an ear infection. Get well soon Abby, and we all hope that you're back to your usual happy self quickly!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A trip to the library

Jimmy and Abby went to the library today with mom to check things out, and while they were there they got their first library cards. Now we just have to learn to read the books instead of trying to eat them!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Jimmy speaks!

Not to be outdone by his sister, Jimmy began letting out an unending chorus of da-da-das today. Unfortunately for Mom, still no ma-ma yet.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Toothgate scandal ends.   Crisis averted

Jimmy can finally breath a sigh of relief today. With the discovery of a second tooth, he has managed to put an end to the Toothgate scandal. Rest assured readers, the existence of this tooth has been verified by multiple sources. Jimmy's spokesmonster, Mr. Cook E. Monster issued the following statement earlier today: "It is still our defense that this tooth was there all along, that this scandal was a conspiracy to deny my client extra cookies."

With his second tooth (another one on the bottom) we're all tied up again at 2 each.

Abby learns to wave

After a lot of practice, Abby finally learned to wave today -- to herself. Now she just has to learn to turn that hand around and wave to others.

9 Months!

Happy 9-month birthday to Jimmy and Abby!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Being sick really stinks sometimes

Jimmy's new sleeping arrangements while he's sick. The doctor wants him sleeping upright, and she recommended that he spend a few nights sleeping in his car seat. But, he's not alone -- bunny rabbit will be keeping him company for a few days.

Abby Speaks!!

After almost 9 months, Abigail has finally broken her silence, and uttered what we believe to be her first words! All morning, she has been belting out a steady stream of da-da-da's. We think she's also finally starting to get the hang of waving goodbye.

The Boys Are Sick

Both little Jimmy and Dad are under the weather today. Jimmy has the croup, a fever and a touch of sinusitis. Dad has a bad sore throat and a cough. Hope everyone gets better soon. Maybe Grandma Jo can make some of her famous chicken soup for them!

Abby is being very considerate of her brother, and is on her best behavior today so mom can take care of Jimmy.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Abby Demands a Recount!!
"Toothgate" scandal rocks the household!!

After further review by the judges -- and several loud protests by Abigail -- it has been determined that Jimmy does indeed only have one tooth. An investigation has been launched to determine how he "faked" his top tooth. Early speculation is that he pulled it off just to get a few extra cookies.

Jimmy referred all questions to his spokesman, Mr. Cook E. Monster.

The revised total: Abby 2 - Jimmy 1

Friday, August 24, 2007

...So much for a few more inches

As you can clearly see, hidden surveillance cameras have shown that Abigail can indeed stand in her crib, and that she has been playing Mom & Dad all along just to keep her crib up high. Well, the gig is up!! Abigail has been lowered to the floor, just like her brother. Looks like it's back to spy games once again for Abby.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just a few more inches...

... Almost time to lower Abigail's crib.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sometimes eating can be a lot of work too...

Jimmy and Abby after a hard day of playing. The excitement of getting their cookies wore them out before they could eat them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

... and Jimmy evens the score!

Not to be outdone by his sister, Jimmy popped out his second tooth of the day. It pushed through sometime this afternoon. It wasn't there this morning when we found his 1st. This was one of his top teeth, right side. We're all tied up now with two teeth apiece. Now.... if we can only get Jimmy some hair!

Jimmy's first tooth!

Jimmy finally got into the game this morning, with his first tooth pushing through. It's the lower left front. The score: Abby 2 - Jimmy 1.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Spy games

Abby sat up in her crib by herself for the first time tonight. About 30 minutes after she was supposed to be sleeping, I found her just sitting there laughing and playing. I laid her back down to sleep, and thought that she was finally in for the night.

A little while later, when Mom went to check on Jimmy, Abby sprang into action, and went into her spy routine again, pushing down her bumper ever so slightly and peering through the open space to see what her brother is up to. From the outside, all you could see is two little eyes staring out at you. After about 15 seconds, she puts the bumper back up, and then repeats the whole thing every minute or so! :) I'm going to set up the camcorder this week and try to catch her in the act.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Another tooth!

Abby got her second tooth today. This one is her lower right front. That makes it Abby 2 - Jimmy 0.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Just what does she have in those cheeks?

We paid a visit to the Doctor today. Jimmy had a small mark on his face that we wanted to get checked out. It turned out to be nothing, but while we were there, we got some new height/weight measurements in.

Jimmy: 19 lbs 7 oz (with clothes) / 28.75 inches
Abby: 18 lbs 13 oz (with clothes) / 26.5 inches

Abby's made a lot of progress in catching Jimmy. At the 6 month checkup, she was almost 3 lbs lighter. She's now only about 1/2 pound less. She's still 2 inches shorter though, and looking at her, you know where she's storing all the weight - in her cheeks!

What do you think? Any resemblance?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

You're gonna have to do better than this folks...

Jimmy's crib was lowered again today, the second time in a week. As you can see, it didn't make much of a difference to him. He can still see over the top, and is too busy being nosy when he should be sleeping.

Dinner for 4

We all went out today for an early family dinner at Smokey Bones. Jimmy and Abby were on their best behavior - most of the time. Jimmy spent most of the time staring at the people behind us, and Abigail spent her evening throwing her toys on the floor, just moments after dad picked them up from the previous toss.