Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Abby's sock fascination

Come by the apartment any time of the day, and you're likely to see several socks scattered randomly about the play area. Strays? Pulled off by fussy babies? Nope. Each and everyone one has been methodically pulled from the laundry and carried away by Abigail. Every time mom does some laundry, she puts it on the couch to fold it. But, before any folding actually takes place, Abigail makes it her personal mission to make her way over to the pile of laundry and start pulling it apart. Big pieces like shirts and pants immediately get tossed to the floor. Socks are like gold though. Whenever a sock is found she'll grab it and crawl away with it, stashing it until an opportunity to play comes along later. She'll then head back to the pile and start all over again.

Later during the day, if you call Abigail over to you, there's a very good chance that when she comes crawling, she'll have a sock in hand, sometimes two.

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