Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Jimmy's Turn!

It's Jimmy's turn now... after being teased and tortured by his sister for several days, he finally took his first steps, and is walking on his own. Now that they're both walking, it's time for the real races (and corresponding fights I'm assuming) to begin!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Congratulations to Uncle Mike and Aunt Vanessa

Jimmy and Abby want to wish Uncle Mike and Aunt Vanessa congratulations on their wedding day today. Jimmy will be attending in the customary tux, while Abby will be wearing a black and white gown.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Abby is walking

Abby is walking!! She did it. Abby is able to walk on her own now, completely unassisted. She's a little wobbly, but she gets where she's going. Abby quickly put her new found talents to use... she now steals Jimmy's toys, and quickly toddles away before Jimmy can catch her.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

WANTED: The Great Bottle Thief

How did a fun loving baby turn to a life of crime? Here's the story. Jimmy and Abby are peacefully enjoying their bottles one afternoon. All of a sudden, Abigail cries out, a scream like you've never heard before. We rush over to investigate, and see Jimmy still sucking away, and a bottle on the floor next to him. Thinking that Abby simply dropped hers, we pick it up and give it to her. She refuses to drink, and tosses it to the floor. We pick it up again, and once more to the floor it goes. Mom takes off the top to check the bottle, takes a sniff, and to her surprise, it smells like Good Start, Jimmy's poison of choice. We take the bottle that Jimmy is drinking, remove the top, and discover it's Alimentum! Jimmy dropped his, and when he couldn't reach it, conveniently reached over, stole his sister's, and continued drinking without batting an eye.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Abby's sock fascination

Come by the apartment any time of the day, and you're likely to see several socks scattered randomly about the play area. Strays? Pulled off by fussy babies? Nope. Each and everyone one has been methodically pulled from the laundry and carried away by Abigail. Every time mom does some laundry, she puts it on the couch to fold it. But, before any folding actually takes place, Abigail makes it her personal mission to make her way over to the pile of laundry and start pulling it apart. Big pieces like shirts and pants immediately get tossed to the floor. Socks are like gold though. Whenever a sock is found she'll grab it and crawl away with it, stashing it until an opportunity to play comes along later. She'll then head back to the pile and start all over again.

Later during the day, if you call Abigail over to you, there's a very good chance that when she comes crawling, she'll have a sock in hand, sometimes two.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Abby takes a step

Abby got in the walking game today. She took her first step, going from the couch to Mom, who was sitting on the floor rooting her on!

More hidden binkies

Abigail's binky hoarding continued today, with two more binkies found in her pajamas!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abigail has a new trick up her sleeve down her leg

Abigail has a new trick up her sleeve, or rather should I say down her leg??? She had 3 binkies go missing this morning while she was playing, and we couldn't find them in any of her usual hiding places. We looked high and low, but to no avail, the binkies were not to be found...

Until... it came time to stop playing and get dressed. As mom pulled off Abby's pajamas, she felt something in the leg by her foot. A little more investigation revealed not one, not two, but all three binkies down the leg of her pajamas. I'm not quite sure how she did it, but she still managed to play, crawl and walk with the binkies hidden.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Abigail evens the score once again

Abigail popped out one of her front teeth this morning. She's now tied with Jimmy again at 3 each.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy 11 Month Birthday

Happy 11 Month Birthday to Jimmy and Abby. Only one more month until the big day!!