Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Wiggles!

We went to our first concert today. We saw The Wiggles at Nassau Coleseum. Jimmy and Abby had a great time, and are looking forward to next year's show already.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our first trip to the hospital

We took our first trip to the hospital today! :( Abby was running (again) and fell (again) and hit her head on the corner of a chair. She gave herself a nice golfball-sized lump in the middle of her forehead. We took a quick trip up to Stony Brook Hospital courtesy of the Holbrook Fire Department Ambulance, where Abby was given a clean bill of health. By the time she got up there, we was back to her usual self, jumping up and down on the hospital bed, yelling and being silly. I think she scared mom & dad more than she did herself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Nature Week

It was a busy week for Jimmy & Abby. We started the week off at Atlantis Marine World, and finished it off at The Bronx Zoo. Here are two quick pictures, with more to follow soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Toddler to English translation guide

Jimmy & Abby are talking up a storm now, although at times it's a bit hard to understand them. Included below is a Toddler to English translation guide.

Ab•eeeeee = Abby
Pee•pee = pizza
note•no = notebook
Elro = Elmo
Ba•bu = Big Bird
cu•coo = cookie (& Cookie Monster)
pweas = please
bah = bye

peas = please
Gi•zhi = Jimmy
Bwoo = Blue
doo doo ora = Dora (the Explorer)
cah (with a Boston accent) = car

papa = Grandpa
bok bok = Chicken
uh-oh = uh-oh