Monday, May 26, 2008

Brush brush brush!!

Proper dental care is a must! Abby is starting off on the right foot, and brushes morning and night... and whenever else she manages to steal her toothbrush & toothpaste!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

2 Happy Meals Please

Jimmy and Abby had their first taste of McDonald's today with mixed results. Lately it's been next to impossible to find anything that Jimmy will eat. Both had a cheeseburger Happy Meal with apple juice. We cut them up, gave them to the little people, and watched to see what happened. Jimmy as usual was first to dig in, grabbing a handful of burger. He put it in his mouth, tasted it... and went back for more!! He surprisingly finished most of it without giving a single bite back. Abby on the other hand was another story... she only had eyes for her fries, and had no interest in her burger. So, as usual, we wound up having to cook for Abby anyway.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Road Trip: The Big City

Jimmy and Abby took their first trip to the big city today. We drove in for a visit with Aunt Jen before she left on a two week trip to Switzerland. Everyone had a good time, and the twins couldn't get enough of all the new sights and sounds around them.

Friday, May 2, 2008


No, нет, não, αριθ, nee, non, nein, いいえ, 아니다, 不, nej, ingen

Doesn't matter what language you say it in, Abigail has a new favorite word!

[FYI the above languages are: English, Russian, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Danish & Norwegian]