Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Jimmy and Abby wish Mommy a Very Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What do you mean I'm the only boy?

Jimmy feeling just slightly outnumbered, with Abby, and cousins Amanda & Grace.

Happy Easter!

Jimmy & Abby would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

Happy Birthday Bunny!

Jimmy would like to wish his best friend in the whole world a Very Happy Birthday! Bunny Rabbit joined us last year on Easter, so Jimmy has declared that that'll be the day we celebrate Bunny's birthday every year!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Is Mrs. Potato Head's butt dishwasher safe?

Is Mrs. Potato Head's butt dishwasher safe? That's the question of the day. Isn't it bad enough that poor Mrs. Potato head has to walk around sans her behind? To make matters worse, Abigail has taken to using the poor potato's butt as a bowl. She insists on taking whatever she may be eating and filling up the "bowl" with it. This morning it was apples. Tonight it was Cheerios. When will the madness end? Please Abigail, give the poor lady some dignity!

One baby's trash is Dad's treasure

All mom wanted was a little peace and quiet... so she decided to turn the TV off for a while. She goes to pick up the remote from it's usual spot, and discovers that it's gone! She searched high and low... under the couch, under the cushions, in the tent, in the trunk of Jimmy's car but couldn't find it anywhere. Then suddenly she had a thought... Jimmy was over by the garbage pail earlier in the morning, but she didn't think anything of it. She walks over to the garbage, the infrared sensor automatically opens the top as it detects motion, and lo and behold -- the TiVo remote is sitting at the bottom of the empty bag. Jimmy somehow must have snuck the remote in after Mom put a new bag in a few minutes earlier.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Something smells fishy around here

Jimmy and Abby are both big fans of fish sticks, so last night we decided to try the real thing. Bad idea. Abigail spit out her first forkful, and didn't even give the poor Tilapia a chance... Jimmy started out showing some promise. He ate his first two forkfuls, but promptly spit out the rest. Was that enough though? No, of course not. Spitting it out was only the beginning. He proceeded to take it from his mouth, smash it up in his hand, smear it all over the tray of his high chair, and only then, when it was thoroughly ground up, rub it into his clothes.

Monday, March 10, 2008

15-month Doctor Visit

We went for our 15-month well-check visit today, and everyone came back with a clean bill of health. Jimmy weighed in at 23 lbs 13 oz, and is now 31 inches tall. Abby tipped the scales at 23 lbs 2oz, and is 29 1/2 inches tall.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No Autographs Please!

Jimmy and Abby are seen here arriving for a private screening of their new film. They arrived in disguise hoping to avoid the paparazzi, but couldn't sneak in before being caught on film. Apparently, one of the photographers became a bit too aggressive, and Jimmy charged at him on the way out.

A note to our readers... we have obtained the exclusive rights to their new film, which will debut on this site next week. Stay tuned!!