Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Jimmy & Abby would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! They spent the afternoon trick or treating with cousins Grace and Amanda!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Wiggles!

We went to our first concert today. We saw The Wiggles at Nassau Coleseum. Jimmy and Abby had a great time, and are looking forward to next year's show already.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our first trip to the hospital

We took our first trip to the hospital today! :( Abby was running (again) and fell (again) and hit her head on the corner of a chair. She gave herself a nice golfball-sized lump in the middle of her forehead. We took a quick trip up to Stony Brook Hospital courtesy of the Holbrook Fire Department Ambulance, where Abby was given a clean bill of health. By the time she got up there, we was back to her usual self, jumping up and down on the hospital bed, yelling and being silly. I think she scared mom & dad more than she did herself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Nature Week

It was a busy week for Jimmy & Abby. We started the week off at Atlantis Marine World, and finished it off at The Bronx Zoo. Here are two quick pictures, with more to follow soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Toddler to English translation guide

Jimmy & Abby are talking up a storm now, although at times it's a bit hard to understand them. Included below is a Toddler to English translation guide.

Ab•eeeeee = Abby
Pee•pee = pizza
note•no = notebook
Elro = Elmo
Ba•bu = Big Bird
cu•coo = cookie (& Cookie Monster)
pweas = please
bah = bye

peas = please
Gi•zhi = Jimmy
Bwoo = Blue
doo doo ora = Dora (the Explorer)
cah (with a Boston accent) = car

papa = Grandpa
bok bok = Chicken
uh-oh = uh-oh

Monday, July 28, 2008

Future Musician?

Jimmy and Abby went to their weekly music class this morning, and Jimmy broke out into a drum solo during Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

In related news, early reports from the NY Stock Exchange report a surge in the stock prices of Excedrin, Advil & Tylenol.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Running away from home

Jimmy decided today that he was running away from home. He's all packed and ready to go with all of the essentials: Bunny, binky, Diego backpack, Cars shoes and his sippy cup.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Brush brush brush!!

Proper dental care is a must! Abby is starting off on the right foot, and brushes morning and night... and whenever else she manages to steal her toothbrush & toothpaste!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

2 Happy Meals Please

Jimmy and Abby had their first taste of McDonald's today with mixed results. Lately it's been next to impossible to find anything that Jimmy will eat. Both had a cheeseburger Happy Meal with apple juice. We cut them up, gave them to the little people, and watched to see what happened. Jimmy as usual was first to dig in, grabbing a handful of burger. He put it in his mouth, tasted it... and went back for more!! He surprisingly finished most of it without giving a single bite back. Abby on the other hand was another story... she only had eyes for her fries, and had no interest in her burger. So, as usual, we wound up having to cook for Abby anyway.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Road Trip: The Big City

Jimmy and Abby took their first trip to the big city today. We drove in for a visit with Aunt Jen before she left on a two week trip to Switzerland. Everyone had a good time, and the twins couldn't get enough of all the new sights and sounds around them.

Friday, May 2, 2008


No, нет, não, αριθ, nee, non, nein, いいえ, 아니다, 不, nej, ingen

Doesn't matter what language you say it in, Abigail has a new favorite word!

[FYI the above languages are: English, Russian, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Danish & Norwegian]

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bedtime Fashion

Abby is in full girly-girl mode. We went sandal shopping earlier tonight, and Abby went right for the Dora sandals. Looking at anything different was a lost cause. She had a rock-solid grip on them, and refused to let go. Things didn't get any better when we got home... Abigail refused to go to bed without her sandals, and went into an all out tantrum whenever we tried to take them off of her. So, what'd we do? She went to bed with the sandals on!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Road Trip: The Long Island Game Farm

Jimmy & Abby took their first trip to the Long Island Game Farm today. Everyone had a good time, and they seemed to like the animals... except for one bad experience Jimmy had with a rooster.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Evidence Never Lies

The setting: A quiet Sunday afternoon. Jimmy and Abby are playing in their bedroom. Mom is doing dishes.

A moment of unusual silence falls upon the bedroom... Mom walks down the hallway to investigate, and finds this:

An entire box of diapers dumped on the floor...

She turns to the suspects and asks, "What happened?"
"What happened?"
[both suspects give their now all-too-common "I don't know" shrug of the shoulders]

As Mom begins picking up the diapers, the suspect's identity becomes apparent...

If Bunny is involved, there can be only one suspect!

Note: this scene and accompanying photographs were recreated by Crime Scene Investigators. No bunnies were harmed in its creation.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Who took my hammer?

The future engineer building his latest creation.
(Notice Bunny in the background on a carrot break)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Lounging Around

OK, everyone be quiet now... Seasame Street is about to start!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Jimmy and Abby wish Mommy a Very Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What do you mean I'm the only boy?

Jimmy feeling just slightly outnumbered, with Abby, and cousins Amanda & Grace.

Happy Easter!

Jimmy & Abby would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

Happy Birthday Bunny!

Jimmy would like to wish his best friend in the whole world a Very Happy Birthday! Bunny Rabbit joined us last year on Easter, so Jimmy has declared that that'll be the day we celebrate Bunny's birthday every year!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Is Mrs. Potato Head's butt dishwasher safe?

Is Mrs. Potato Head's butt dishwasher safe? That's the question of the day. Isn't it bad enough that poor Mrs. Potato head has to walk around sans her behind? To make matters worse, Abigail has taken to using the poor potato's butt as a bowl. She insists on taking whatever she may be eating and filling up the "bowl" with it. This morning it was apples. Tonight it was Cheerios. When will the madness end? Please Abigail, give the poor lady some dignity!

One baby's trash is Dad's treasure

All mom wanted was a little peace and quiet... so she decided to turn the TV off for a while. She goes to pick up the remote from it's usual spot, and discovers that it's gone! She searched high and low... under the couch, under the cushions, in the tent, in the trunk of Jimmy's car but couldn't find it anywhere. Then suddenly she had a thought... Jimmy was over by the garbage pail earlier in the morning, but she didn't think anything of it. She walks over to the garbage, the infrared sensor automatically opens the top as it detects motion, and lo and behold -- the TiVo remote is sitting at the bottom of the empty bag. Jimmy somehow must have snuck the remote in after Mom put a new bag in a few minutes earlier.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Something smells fishy around here

Jimmy and Abby are both big fans of fish sticks, so last night we decided to try the real thing. Bad idea. Abigail spit out her first forkful, and didn't even give the poor Tilapia a chance... Jimmy started out showing some promise. He ate his first two forkfuls, but promptly spit out the rest. Was that enough though? No, of course not. Spitting it out was only the beginning. He proceeded to take it from his mouth, smash it up in his hand, smear it all over the tray of his high chair, and only then, when it was thoroughly ground up, rub it into his clothes.

Monday, March 10, 2008

15-month Doctor Visit

We went for our 15-month well-check visit today, and everyone came back with a clean bill of health. Jimmy weighed in at 23 lbs 13 oz, and is now 31 inches tall. Abby tipped the scales at 23 lbs 2oz, and is 29 1/2 inches tall.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No Autographs Please!

Jimmy and Abby are seen here arriving for a private screening of their new film. They arrived in disguise hoping to avoid the paparazzi, but couldn't sneak in before being caught on film. Apparently, one of the photographers became a bit too aggressive, and Jimmy charged at him on the way out.

A note to our readers... we have obtained the exclusive rights to their new film, which will debut on this site next week. Stay tuned!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Jimmy on the cutting edge of fashion...

Coming soon to the cover of GQ, Jimmy is seen here in the soon-to-be newest Hollywood fashion trend. Never one to be without a hat, he's seen here sporting a green and blue winter hat with a trendy pair of green zebra feety-pajamas.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Caught Red (orange?) Handed!

Jimmy caught trying to steal some Goldfish from Mom's bag

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Everyone is sick!!!

It wasn't a good weekend in the Callinan household... Jimmy woke up Sunday morning suffering from the stomach virus that's been going around. The poor little guy couldn't keep anything down that he tried to eat or drink. It was so cute though... when he could finally drink, he was only allowed a few sips at a time. Whenever we'd take his sippy cup away from him, he'd start crying. Abby, being the good sister that she is, kept walking up to Jimmy and offering him her sippy cup.

Moving on, Annemarie got sick Monday night, and Abigail woke up Tuesday morning with the very same symptoms. Dad's managed to avoid it so far, but the way things are going, it won't be long until he's also sick. :(

Monday, January 14, 2008

Snap Crackle STOP!

We tried some Rice Krispies today, and the results weren't very good. Abigail tolerated them, while Jimmy was another matter. Instead of making the usual face but swallowing it, he promptly proceeded to open his mouth, stick his hand in and scoop out the Rice Krispies onto the floor. Maybe we'll have a little better luck in a few months...